Profile: Johnny Monroe
Born a long way from home, Johnny Monroe is a renowned Society Wit and respected International Playboy, receiving a degree in feckless langour from Wyngarde Polytechnic several decades ago. Since then, he has carved out a career as a novelist, satirist, essayist, poet and all-round entertainer. He wears his heart on his sleeve and his tongue in his cheek. The recipient of no major (or minor) awards, he lives alone with his dead wives and the occasional spider. He is both CEO and tea-lady of his one-man cottage industry. Anyway, that's his version of events. In the interests of impartiality and balance, here's what the papers say...
Who the F*** is Johnny Monroe?
(Or Petunia Winegum or Victoria Lucas or any other alias he cares to use…)
A report by PTOLEMY HATCHET-JOBB, People’s Journalist and gap-year Marxist
DECIDING to dislike him even before I met him, I was all set to quiz Johnny Monroe about toxic masculinity, gender pronouns and the slave trade before I remembered I don’t work for Radio 4 (not yet, anyway - Uncle Toby is still arranging it, or so he says).
Nonetheless, I thought it opportune to adopt an aggressive stance - wearing my best petulant sneer and brusquely refusing his offer of a cuppa when I arrived at the repository of bohemian kitsch he knows as home. I was sorely tempted to throw his quotes back at him, but resisted - quotes such as ‘If The Guardian was a human being, it’d be a smug, condescending, privately-educated middle-class wanker wagging his finger in your face and lecturing you on what a horrible person you are.’ I think this very piece will comprehensively trash that inaccurate character assassination. And I shall let my words act as my weapon - not the ones I said to him, but the ones I’m writing after meeting this dodgy, dubious character so untrustworthy that he goes by three different names.
Monroe, or Winegum, or Lucas - take your pick - claims he has three distinct and very separate audiences for his trio of creative outlets and his current aim is to try and bring them all together. For those who don’t know, Johnny Monroe writes books, Petunia Winegum writes a blog, and Victoria Lucas makes bad taste-masquerading-as-satire ‘comedy’ videos. The latter are inexplicably popular and I hate him for it.
A typical Monroe video manipulates archive footage for ‘comic’ effect by adding swearing and crude sexual references; it’s puerile humour for a misguidedly nostalgic, insular demographic. He is also responsible for the regrettable resurrection of an atrocious 70s sitcom called ‘Buggernation Street’, which he and like-minded reprobates have passed around like illicit contraband for years without any regard for the amount of people waiting to be offended by this grossly offensive old programme - of which I myself am one.
His blog, which is known as ‘The Winegum Telegram’, is frustratingly hard to pin down because it isn’t partisan. How can you trust a man who is as critical of the Left as he is of the Right? You have to be either the Observer or the Mail on Sunday, not hide away in imaginary shades of grey. And his frustrating inconsistency means he’s often guilty of expressing the wrong opinions as much as the right ones, which is especially problematic. The fact he occasionally wastes time on the Telegram waxing lyrical about irrelevant pop cultural topics also adds to my confusion by provoking thought. And at the end of the day, I don’t want to read someone who challenges my opinions; I want to read someone who confirms all my prejudices in one nice, neat, narcissistic package.
This annoying habit Monroe has of not sticking to the approved script also extends to his third outlet, his books.
Novels, short stories, poetry collections, non-fiction, literary fiction, genre fiction - I mean, why can’t he be happy with one? Why does he have to try his hand at so many? Why can’t he be content with a label for life that keeps him in his designated lane? I don’t believe it’s dawned on him yet that this century is not the place for a Renaissance Man like him.
Despite the biased preconceptions I was determined to resolutely stick to, I have to admit I liked Monroe - though I did my best not to show it. There was no way I was going to let him know I’ve laughed at one or two of his videos (and felt agonising guilt afterwards) or enjoyed several of his books or agreed with something he wrote on his blog. But I realised he was employing the same psychological techniques to charm me as professional interrogators probably use on the impounded Uyghurs at the Xinjiang camps. The experience for me was chillingly similar, but I showed courage by refusing to smile whenever he made an admittedly witty quip. That must have sent out one hell of a signal to him, though I used this tactic sparingly. If I’d been too blatantly rude, he might have concluded that my antipathy towards him was born of envy and that his talent was highlighting my own creative shortcomings, making me feel like an inadequate charlatan whose media career was solely down to privilege and nepotism. The bastard.
Related article: The baddest-tasting label in the history of the music industry - another excuse to cancel the reprehensible Johnny Monroe.
Charity Shop Soundtrack
Some priceless discoveries on the ultra-rare Dix label, collected from a series of charity shops that smell of old lady’s armpits