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Just as every hit TV show of the 70s had its own tie-in paperback, usually adapting a televised episode, it seems only fitting that ‘Buggernation Street’ should uphold this proud tradition with one of its own.
Deliberately packaged to echo the Target ‘Doctor Who’ series of novelisations, ‘Buggernation Street and The Compendium of Filth’ is on sale now priced £4.99. You can buy it here if you don’t fancy nipping into Blake’s International to pick up a copy.
Available now, it’s Johnny Monroe’s first-hand account of living through the pandemic of 2020/21, lifted from the posts of the Winegum Telegram blog. A genuine journal of the Plague Years, beginning with the first recognised reference to Covid-19 in February 2020 and offering a uniquely individual response to the whole Project Fear experiment from unfolding to unravelling - encompassing lockdowns, panic-buying, social distancing, social bubbles, snitching, the suspension of civil liberties, tiers, tears, vaccines, vaccine passports, mask-wearing, restriction-breaking, emotional bullying, dividing and ruling, profiteering, economic collapse, and the eventual revelations of double standards that brought down a Prime Minister. It’s a subjective document of a remarkable and remarkably unnerving period of history.
Johnny Monroe’s first poetry collection for two years, ‘Almanac’ comprises 45 poems penned over a period of twelve months and combines familiar, universal emotions with Monroe’s characteristically quirky observations of human nature. A snip at a mere £4.99, ‘Almanac’ is on sale from all good bookshops called Amazon now!
Yes, the first-ever official, authentic and appalling piece of Buggernation merchandise is now available to buy for the princely sum of £12.99! It’s an ideal purchase for anyone receiving unwanted visitors! Just casually leave it on your coffee table and you’ll find your uninvited guests will suddenly remember they have an urgent appointment to keep elsewhere! If you’re degenerate enough to be a fan of the show, you’ll find the book packed with pictures of your favourite wankers and scrubbers as well as lots of uninteresting articles about them!
Following the abrupt disappearance of the ‘Buggernation Street’ back catalogue from YouTube, a special mini-episode of the series has been produced as a response to the outrageous expulsion of this national institution from the premier platform for online videos.
Six of the regular characters struggle to understand why they’re not being called upon to perform the latest episode and then discover the terrible truth. A link to it is available (via Vimeo) on the ‘Buggernation Street’ page of this website.
This is what cancel culture really looks like. A YT channel with over a decade’s worth of work put into it, hundreds of videos, thousands of views and appreciative comments - all wiped out in the blink of an eye. This is what happens when you ridicule and poke fun at the tiny moral minority who control all means of mass communication. No explanation was forthcoming beyond the bullshit stated inaccurately in the death warrant on the left. Anyone would think the creator was some sort of hardcore pornographer rather than a satirist and producer of comedic videos for a specified adult audience.
Not for the first time in these dark, humourless days, it would seem making people laugh is a criminal offence.