The three-panel misadventures of Jack are an affectionate homage to the classic monochrome newspaper strips of childhood, such as 'Peanuts', 'Fred Basset', 'The Perishers' and the like. The time when every household received at least one paper a day are gone for good now, yet anyone of a certain age will recall the long wait for their parents to finish perusing the dailies' 'boring bits' (i.e. 99% of the content) in order to scan the strips and try to get the joke. Yes, that era's over, but at least it's not forgotten; and though Jack the English Cat is looking back to it with a wry eye, Jack is also very much in the here and now. Characteristics familiar to any cat-owner as well as personality traits unique to the English figure in the composition of Jack's character as he lazily watches the world go by with his mate Max and furiously formulates the complaint he intends to make but never does. You already know him, so why not join him?
‘Delicious book that reminds you of an era gone-by in its art, and funny to boot.’
Ms V.E. Price, Amazon review